Checkmate with queen and rooks. Some lesson plans on stalemates

Checkmate with the support of the King -  Show them all possible combinations. Three on each side   and one on each corner.

Sample checkmate on the side.

Sample checkmate on the corner

Play this position and ask them to checkmate.  They will do it in 10 or more moves.  Let it be.  Then ask them to reduce the number of moves.  Slowly reduce the number of moves and eventually they will do it in two moves using the concept you thought 

Problem 1 :  White to move and checkmate

2.  Here , you have to teach a strategy.  First teach them what to do...where to trap the king, how to trap the king.  

Problem 3: 
Then change the position of the queen to the other side, ask them to follow the guidelines you give in problem 2.

Checkmate without the support of the king

This is useful when they checkmate with Rook.  Show them how the black king is trapped. 

Move the queen to B4, c5, d6 to show various checkmate options for white.

Play with them placing the queen at various places and show the strategy.


Some kids don't know stalemate. This is a good time to teach stalemates

Checkmate with two rooks

Checkmate with rooks gives the students an opportunity to see how two rooks are supporting each other to trap the king.

 No matter where you put the black king, white always wins

Then, change the position elsewhere and solve the problems.

The challenge is put the rooks on the same file and solve

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