Back Rank Checkmates - version 3

Rook and a King 

Knight and pawn combo

Two Bishops

Rook and King

Rook and King on the other side

Rook and bishop in center

rook and knight in center

Rook and bishop at the corner

Rook and open file

Open File King open Lone Rook 

Two Rook

rook and pawn

Rook and Trapped/smothered King

Rook and a Pawn combo - two move checkmate, deflection

Rook and a Bishop - two move checkmate...Discovered check and double check

Two move checkmate..

Two Rook and Line clearence

Another two move checkmate with Rook and Bishop combo

Two Rooks with Bishop 

Deflection followed by Rook and bishop combo

Two move checkmate with Bishop and Rook

Queen and Bishop combo

line clearence

line clearance problems

Trap at the center

Checkmate in two moves

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