Problem uses Discovered Check, Deflection,

In this problem, identify the piece that need to be moved to give a discovered check ?

Then the next question : 
Look at the next position, black moved the pawn to e5 as shown here 

You are now interested in removing the pawn at e5.  But the black queen at e7 is watching the e5 pawn.  How would white player can deflect the queen to a different square so you can capture the e5 pawn. Go ahead and use any of your materials to capture the e5 pawn.  The arithmetic may not sound good, but you get the best square to checkmate the black king. 

The solution is in this next diagram. Qb4. Yes, it may not sound right to give away your queen to capture a pawn which is against the logic of any chess game.  But here, the white player shows the calculations he has done up until the next nine moves to checkmate the black king if he dares to take up the queen. 

In real game, the black player did in fact capture the queen, who wouldn't ?  But the becomes history soon. Once black queen captures the white queen, it is all checkmate for white in next 8 moves. The white bishop captures the e5 pawn.  

You have position like this now - 

Like I said, the bishop is now in action, white has two rooks on e and f file with no interference from anyone to capture the king.  

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