Another problem on Deflections

Best moves for white

Another problem on deflection - checkmate in two moves

The white king and the queen are supporting each other. But the black knight forms  a strategy to checkmate.

Best move for white

This kind of attack is called deflection- forcing the piece (the king) that is supporting another piece (the queen) to pull away to capture (the queen ). 

Best move for white - level 3

White rook is trapped in all directions.  But when going gets tough, the tough gets going is what the experts say. How would you make next three moves to come ahead with a pawn at least?

Best move for white - level 2

Black pawn at e4 is not supported. But white queen and rook are aligned on d file. Black pieces are not active while white pieces are active and there goes the clue...can you checkmate the black king or capture the queen...

Yet another dicovered attack...can you find the move for black

Best discovered check and attack for white

Best move for black

White just moved the knight to g5. Black has to make use of the opportunity to exploit the mistake white made.

Best move for have to count the distance fast

In chess, a player can make a mistake in the beginning of a game. It is not  fatal. In the middle game , mistakes can be costly. But in the end game like shown here, mistakes can be brutal and fatal.
In the problem, you have to figure out which is better to deal with:   incoming threat or attack. Your decision is vital here. Good luck.

Black to move and win in three moves

Black traps the white king and checkmates

This is level 2 problem

(solution: Qf5+, g4, Bg2, Kg2, Qf3#)

Best move for white

The problem is based on the topic - interference. When a piece is supporting another piece, the opponent places his piece in between to attack both of them.

Best Move for white

Best move for black - White will lose queen

Best move for black - level 2

White made a beginers mistake of moving queen to e2. Black ready to exploit the mistake. What would be the best move?

white to checkmate in two moves

Black to checkmate in four moves ?

Black to checkmate in four moves -level 2

good Discovered Check and mate in four moves - Level 3. Power of Knight

This puzzle is made from the game of Michael Tal.
Power of Knight

The real game can be seen here

Classic Game of Michael Tal - A Legend, White to move

Here is the puzzle made after reviewing the game of GM Tal vs Brent, 1965 . Pinned and Check mated

Please review this game


Double Check - Can you move to give a double check for Black -delete

Best Move for White - Level 2 good

White is on a fine thread about to get checkmated by Black.  But white comes with a great move... can you spot the best move for white ?

good Best Move for Black

Level 4 - Two Puzzles here

Find the best move for Black.

The solution - Can you check if black rook could capture the knight. If white queen captures the rook, then Nf3+ forking King, Queen and Rook.

The real game is showed here -

After couple of moves,  the game is shown here...

Find the best move for black

Best Move for White using Bishop fork - Level 2 - duplicate

Best Move for White using fork - level 2

Level 3 - Best Move for White

Black Bishop is  threatening to capture white Queen.  White has two options - either run away or attack back

Best Move for White ( Another Magnus Carlsen vs Sipke Game ) - level 1

Black piece is threatening to check mate the white king.  But what queen ignores the threat to checkmate the black king
(note: I modified  a piece to suit the puzzle)

Another Carlsen Game - Best move for white

Best Move for White and Checkmate in Three moves (Level 4 - Game of Magnus )

Here is another game Magnus played against Veselin Tpolov

Best Move for Black - level 3 ( Magnus vs Boris game )

Magnus is playing Black.  After Magnus made the move, the opponent resigned because the white bishop is captured. In this extraordinary move, Magnus shows what is takes to be a world champion.  

Best move for White - Level 2 (Magnus Carlson Game)