Best move for black

Best Move for White

Sometimes,  you have to be very careful with moves you make. Black move the knight from c5 to Nd7  trapping his own bishop.  What found an opportunity to trap the black bishop.  

Best move for white

How do you setup a nice fork with a knight 

Best move for white

How do you obstruct the rook from attacking the pawn on e7

Best move for white

Best move for white ...amazing move

Best move for black

Can you take a pawn and then collapse whites position 

Best move for black


White queen might play Qg4 to guard g2.
 What does black have to block white from guarding g2

Best Move for White

Best move for black

Gain position advantage to check mate soon.

Besy move for Black

Deflection of the white queen 

Best move for white

The next set of moves gives white a very good positional advantage cornering black all pieces

Best Move for White

White has pawns on both sides, one minor power up.  How do you close it up ?

Best move for black

Can move your queen to checkmate in couple of moves 

Best move for white

Black queen is guarding e7 pawn.  Otherwise Ne7+ checkmate