Best move for white

White rook can check mate the king, but it's own bishop is obstruction

How do you get rid off white bishop so next move for white is checkmate 

Best Move for Black

Can You trap the king with the queen


Best move for black

Can you deflect the white king 

Best Move for white

can you deflect the black queen

Best Move for White

Strangling the black King.  Watch the f7 pawn is pinned by the Bishop at B3

Best move for blac

In three moves , black pins the king and queen,  white resigns 

Best move for white

Knight in a good spot to create a deadly move for black to resign

Best move for white ,

Deflect the black queen 

Best move for white

Deflect the black rook

EGS : End game series

White wins just because of the position of king compared to blacks king 

Best move for white

Discover attack 

Best move for white

Deflection followed by forking 

Aka Deforking  

Best move for white

You can set a skewer or gain a piece 

Best Move for white

Deflect the black rook 

Best move for white

Which piece would you move ? RxR or f7 ? 

F7 threatens pawn promotion 

Best move for black

Where do you move the queen to either checkmate on the second move 

Double attack 

Best move for black

Capture the white queen 

Best Move for white

The black bishop can be pinned ,

Best move for white

Should you protect the bishop or occupy the file with rook so pawn can promote to queen. 

Best move for white

See how does white traps the Knight and white resigns. 

Best move for white

One of the best daring moves.

Best move for white

Attack the queen which is guarding d8.

Best move for white

Trap.  In the middle game, don't take a piece alone deep into opponents territory, he might trap no matter how big the piece is. 
Always coordinate with other pieces too. 

Best move for white

Remove the guard strategy to advance the pawn 

Best move for black

Remove the guard to trap the white rook

Best move for black

Threaten checkmate or fork with a knight 

Best move for black to promote the pawn

Pawn promotion strategy 

Best move for black

Double attack followed by knight fork.  Very easy one

Best move for black

Discovered attack
Very nice puzzle. Requires lot of thinking