Best move for white

White pawn is inching to get promoted. But black knight is guarding the h7 pawn.

How would you promote the pawn ?

Best move for white

Interference....Qd,7 will block the black queen from defending the knight.

Best move for black

Ne2 followed by Ng1+

Best move for white

Deflection. Bf7+ and move pawn for a discover check and attack.

Best move for white...

Exchange Bishop and sacrifice the queen. But can capture black queen with a fork.

Best move for white

The knight is can capture the black Bishop. But the black knight and rook are protecting. Can we attack the rook? It has no squares to go to. Then capture the black knight. Then we have knight fork situation.

Best move for white.

Knight fork.  If black queen is not moved...Be4  pinning queen and king.

Best move for white

Black is threatening to check mate white with Qe1+ ...but white not only escapes but check mates black in couple of moves. Game play Anand in the Candidates Tournament 2016

Best move for white

Use rook to position in such a way black has no other option except sacrifice the rook.   Game played by Anand vs caruvana in the 2016 candidate tournament