Best move for white

This is interesting puzzle 

Best move for white

Discovered attack and mate.

Best move for white

Deflection or/and interference

Best move for white

Checkmate in two moves

Best move for white.

Minor piece sacrifice for better position

Best move for white

Setup a fork..

Best move for white

trap the black rook and setup a fork.

Good game on King size attack

The video discusses a game attack on the king size.  Moving pawns g and h,  queen size castle making the rooks align on the king side.

Best move for white...

Discovered check and attack...

Best Move for white

Find a sequence of moves to capture black queen ...

Best move for white

A very interesting game. White sacrificed a piece and us ready to do give up his queen too.

Best move for black

White knight  was at e2 and moved it Nd4 which is a blunder. How do you exploit the mistake ?

Best move for white..

White b pawn is one square away from promotion.   But black queen and king can be forked too . Can you find the best move.

Best move for black

The idea is to trap the white king on one side of the board.

Deflection ; Best move for black

Black Rooks can coordinate and the white bishop at f1 is in danger.

Best Move for black

Deflection.  Black knight wants to fork at f3 square, but is guarded by White Rook and g pawn.  Black queen can help it out.

best move for black

Black queen is targeting h2 pawn for a checkmate.  White Queen is guarding it.
White Bishop doesn't have many squares to go.  Anand does a brilliant move..

Best move for white

Black will check mate white in one move but white wins...

Sacrifice a minor piece for three pawns

Best best for white.

Best move for white

a good formation with Rook and bishop...(a game played by Akobian vs Miyasaka)

Best move for white

White pawn is inching to get promoted. But black knight is guarding the h7 pawn.

How would you promote the pawn ?

Best move for white

Interference....Qd,7 will block the black queen from defending the knight.

Best move for black

Ne2 followed by Ng1+

Best move for white

Deflection. Bf7+ and move pawn for a discover check and attack.

Best move for white...

Exchange Bishop and sacrifice the queen. But can capture black queen with a fork.

Best move for white

The knight is can capture the black Bishop. But the black knight and rook are protecting. Can we attack the rook? It has no squares to go to. Then capture the black knight. Then we have knight fork situation.

Best move for white.

Knight fork.  If black queen is not moved...Be4  pinning queen and king.