Analyze this problem. Write your comments.
This blog of Best Move Chess puzzles is created for chess players of all ages.
White to move and win
Here black challenged white to exchange. If white misses the exchange he loses. If he exchanges hecwins.
Best move for white
This is a game played by nakamura vs magnus Zurich chess 2014. Nakamura missed a good opportunity to defeat magnus. Can you find a move.
Black to move to checkmate in four moves or less.
The black can exchange the queens to capture the white knight with the bishop. But black can find a better move to checkmate no matter what white does.
Best move for white
This is back rank took problem. Black has two rooks trapped supporting one pawn at c7. What a waste of a major pieces 10 points trapped. Black might advance the a5 pawn.
Instead black can focus the brilliant move white can move. Doing you thing you can check mate the black or make the black resign ? Either find the best moves for white. This is a difficult problems requires good chess skills.
Best move for white
White cannot move the king because black king will advance. The b4 pawn is threatening to move forward.
The e4 pawn is in a good position for black. How would you win this game ?
Best move for white
This is level 4 problem. There is a way to beat black in this position. The power of knight is seen here.
Best move or strategy for black
Black is moving up the two pawns. Black queen is front of them.
Also white queen can force a draw by repetition by giving a check at Qd5.
So black queen has two objectives - one to promote the pawns and avoid a draw.
I will make a video of this problem.
In the mean time check if you can solve.
Best move for white
Do you want to promote to queen or take the f5 pawn?
The idea is for white king to be g7 square earlier than the black king.