Best move for black

Game played by Anand  vs Maxine London chess classic 2015

Smothered attack. Best move for black

Best move for black

This uses smothered checkmate. A game played Bobby Fisher considered to be the game of the century.


Best move for black

Game played by Capablanca

Best move for white.

Game played Vishy vs Gelfand in 2012

How to  trap the Queen.

Checkmate black in three moves

Magnus played this when he was 12 years old.

Best move for white

Game played by Magnus VA Hikamura in 2015 London

Best Move for White

This game is played by Magnus and Levon

Best move for white

Can you capture a piece or capture the queen.

Best move for white

Game played Vishy Anand vs Michael Adams 2015. Rd 7.   Sometime pawns can bring devastation

Best move for black

Black queen on the attack. Rooks are ready for supporting the queen. Can you make the best move.

Best move for white

Capture the black queen in exchange for the rook.
Qh6+ followed by Rg6+ followed by Rb6 attacking the queen.

Best move for black

The white pawn is one step away from becoming the second queen. Black has a brilliant move to succeed. Can you figure out the move ?

... Rg1

Best Move for Black

Black has to promote the pawn to queen.  White will have no option other than to sacrifice the rook. 

Best Move for White

One of the difficult puzzles here.  The a5 pawn is threatening to be a queen, the bishop is d5 is in a great spot while pinning the f7 pawn with a supporting rook at a7.  The black made a simple mistake of moving his bishop to e2.  White has to exploit the situation. In the real game, black resigned now.  Find out why ?


R x f7 , Kh8 (to avoid discovery check)
R x e2, R x e2 

Best Move for Black

Here white moved Rook to g3 to protect the g6 pawn.  If Black king captures the Rook Kxg3, the white pawn at g6 is heading to get itself promoted to queen with a check and it might be dangerous for black.  

So, what are the options for black? 

HINT: Black should avoid the Kg3, instead Keep advancing the pawn e3, e2.  Then Rd2#

Best Move for white

Black is threatening to capture the f2 pawn and it will be disaster for White.  But white has a a7 pawn that should be guided to a8, and the white rooks are entangled with the black king and one of them should support f2 pawn.

How would you play ?

HINT:  The black king should be restricted within h6, make sure he can't move to h7

Best Move for Black and what is the tactics he uses

White to move. But is in check.

White has opportunity to check mate the black king.  But queen gives check for white king.  White is in a good position with all powers in attacking positions, while black powers have no squares to go to.

Black would prefer exchange of queens so he can improve his position, white wouldn't want to exchange the queens.

White (under check) can either go to Kh2 or Nf1.  White preferred Nf1 in the real game sacrificing his Knight. Why ? Why not Kh2 ?

White enticing black to capture Ne4. But Black refused to capture the e4 pawn. Why ?

What is the best move for White

Best move for white

White is down a piece but up by a pawn. But he can turn things around from here.

Move king to h3 . Black will sacrifice his rook to stay in the game.

Best Move for white - Remove the defender

Can you capture the black queen or get checkmate the king.

Bobby Fisher vs W. Hook (1970) ,  Hook resigned after this move. 

Best move for white

Qf6 gxf Bh6+ Kg8 Re6

Fwd: Stalemate or Not - You Decide

When it is turn for a player to move, a stalemate occurs when the player's king is not in check and has has no squares to go without being in check, and no other pieces (if any) can be moved.   Then, the result of the game is a draw. The opponent should never allow to it to happen. 

Answer if the following problems ends in a stalemate or not. Black to move in all problems.

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

problem 4

Problem 5

Problem 6

Problem 7

Problem 8

Problem 9

Problem 10

Problem 11

Problem 12

Problem 13

Problem 14

The remaining problems are white to move.  But in these cases,  the player should not move the queen to a square that results in a stalemate.

Problem 15

There are two square the queen should avoid. Can you identify the two squares  ?

Problem 16
Can you identify the square the queen should not go to avoid stalemate ?

Problem 17
Can you identify the square the queen should avoid ?

Best Move for White

This games is played by Kasparov vs Kamsky 1993.

Can you spot the interference ? 

Pawn Fork for white

Pawn Fork :

Fork is a technique of attacking two opponent's pieces with one of our pieces. In the next diagram, we have two black knights and white pawn.  

The best move for white is move the white pawn to d5 attacking knights at e6 and c6.    Here is the diagram after the move

Can You identify a pawn fork in the next diagram ? 

When a pawn forks a Knight and a Bishop, the pawn requires a backup.  Can you identify the pawn fork here ? Also, identify the backup given by another pawn.

Can you identify a white pawn fork in next diagram ?  Is it a valid fork ?  

The move D5 seems to be a valid move to fork the Knight and the Bishop. But,  the white pawn has no backup or support.  So,  It is not a valid fork because when the pawn moves to d5, the black bishop can capture the white pawn.  

Can you spot a valid pawn fork in the diagram ?

This is a valid pawn fork because  the pawn when moves to d5 , it has a support from the bishop at g2 like shown here

Can you spot the pawn fork ?  Is it a valid fork ?  

 Can you identify a fork in the next diagram ?

Can you spot the fork attacking two black pieces ?  Is there a backup to support the pawn ?

Yes, it is a valid fork when we move the b2 pawn to b4 square.  The a3 pawn is a backup 

Can you identify the fork for white ?  Also, is it a valid fork with a backup ?

Identify the fork and Is this a valid fork ?  Why and Why not ?

Identify the fork and Is this a valid fork ?  Why and Why not ?

Can you identify a pawn fork and say if it is valid or not ?

Advanced pawn fork techniques :

Sometimes, you have to create a situation that is good for you to fork.  Most of the time, the opponent may not know you are creating a situation and they lose a power.  Here are the some of the examples.

In the above diagram, The white  bishop can capture the black bishop at d6, right ?  But, the black Knight at c8 can capture the white bishop then, right ? You have the following diagram, and can you spot the fork now ?


Here is another example of fork,  can you create a fork ?

Here the white bishop can the black bishop.  The black rook will capture the white bishop, creating a fork with a white pawn moving to g3 ash shown 


Here is another problem involving pawn forking.